
A website dedicated to training "green" marathoners

for their first marathon AND running "green" in harmony with our environment


About the Author
Running Green
Streak Freak
Marathon Training
Running Links
Shopping Guide
Training Tips






Mission Statement 


To support and encourage "green" marathon runners to believe they CAN run a marathon and to promote a “green” philosophy for preserving our natural environment as we enjoy our sport.


This website was created as a class project for a web business.  It involves my passion - running - and offers useful training tips and links for recreational and  new "green runners".  


The Marathon Training and Training Tips pages are geared to new runners and marathoners.  There are a number of tips compiled from articles in Runner's World  and tested by my own personal experience.



There are links to other running websites, online shopping, marathons finders, coaching, and inspiration.












This website was created by Laura Hast
